Misc: Don Quixote...the super store
Growing up in Hawaii, I was able to watch a very well known store go through three major transitions. This store was a place for everything. You could buy food, pillows, automotive needs, clothes, etc. You name it, they have it. And the best part of all, everything was reasonably priced. For the old timers, this place was called Holiday Mart, and I know a few people who still call it Holiday Mart till this day. Then before I knew it, the place changed its name to Daiei (pronounced die-eh) when it was aquired by the Japanese super company. Then most recently, within the past month or so, the name changed again, this time to Don Quixote...another Japanese super store company. Yes, if you're wondering, the name has to do with the novel of Don Quixote, the man who believes that he is a knight who attacks a windmill. The only difference is that the character is not a man, but a cartoon penguin. Yes, leave it up to the Japanese to come up with the weirdest things. Well, thinking that the transition from Holiday Mart to Daiei was only a name change, I expected Don Quixote to be the same thing. Boy, was I WRONG. The store went through a MAJOR makeover, and looked like a jungle themed Chuck E. Cheese. Look at what I mean.

Vines were clinging from the ceilings, bright colored signs were placed everywhere, all types of music were playing (mostly Japanese pop music) in various locations from the grocery section to the aloha shirts, products were stacked in odd shapes...it was just so much to take in!

Vines were clinging from the ceilings, bright colored signs were placed everywhere, all types of music were playing (mostly Japanese pop music) in various locations from the grocery section to the aloha shirts, products were stacked in odd shapes...it was just so much to take in!
The two biggest complaints I've heard, and I tend to agree with, is that the walkway is narrower (to accommodate their endless supply of products) and that everything got rearranged. I read in the newspaper that the endless amount of products in various locations was the "fun" in shopping...almost like a scavanger hunt. Since there are so many products, they want you to browse other things before you get to what you need to buy. This may be fine for people who LIKE to shop, but it is a complete nightmare for those who like to be in and out of the store as soon as possible. Below, I would like to share what I think are the pros and cons about the new store:
1. A wealth of new products, especially from Japan.
2. A colorful, cartoony, happy environment.
3. For the most part, same reasonable prices (although some products increased in price).
4. Still the place to buy anything you want.
5. Still 24 hours.
1. Narrow walk ways.
2. A colorful, cartoony, happy environment.
3. Where is everything?
4. Too much random noises (J-pop music at every turn).
I feel that Don Quixote will appeal more to the younger crowd and Japanese people, since most of the stores in Japan are very simliar. Old timers will definitely be turned off by the loud music and the reorganization (perhaps for the worst) of the store. Yes, what you want is there, but let me know where it is...you'd be surprised...some of the workers don't even know.
Bring back Daiei, Don Quixote sucks! I do like the monkey noises at the front of the store though.
Anonymous, At
November 08, 2006 10:51 AM
still have yet to go, but from the sound of things idk if i really wanna torture myself with the craziness. is it worth it?
Anonymous, At
November 08, 2006 3:48 PM
haha that's me watching the lcd showing off j pop people dancing para para lol
Anonymous, At
November 13, 2006 6:17 PM
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